You are attempting to open your organization record when you abruptly get a - 6000, XXXX error. It is generally trailed by 3 or 4 more digits and a message demonstrating that you can't open the organization record. The accompanying are the diverse - 6000 series errors you may experience: Errors Possible Cause -6176, 0 connection between the two computers is getting block by windows Firewall -6000, -107 .TLG formatted file is corrupted -6000, -1076 QuickBooks installation had been corrupted -6010, -100 The company file is been host by a computer that is not the server -6138, -105 -6210, 0 -6189, -83 -6190, -83 -6012, -1061 Incorrect network setup -6144, -82 -6000, -82 -6129, -101 Incorrect folder permission or if the QB Database Server Manager is not working properly -6190, 816 Another user is logged in to the company file in single user mode. It can also be a mismatch between the transaction log file (.tlg) and the company file (.qbw) -6190, -85 -6190, -82 -...
You are attempting to open your organization record when you abruptly get a - 6000, XXXX error. It is generally trailed by 3 or 4 more digits and a message demonstrating that you can't open the organization record. The accompanying are the diverse - 6000 series errors you may experience: Errors Possible Cause -6176, 0 connection between the two computers is getting block by windows Firewall -6000, -107 .TLG formatted file is corrupted -6000, -1076 QuickBooks installation had been corrupted -6010, -100 The company file is been host by a computer that is not the server -6138, -105 -6210, 0 -6189, -83 -6190, -83 -6012, -1061 Incorrect network setup -6144, -82 -6000, -82 -6129, -101 Incorrect folder permission or if the QB Database Server Manager is not working properly -6190, 816 Another user is logged in to the company file in single user mode. It can also be a mismatch between the transaction log file (.tlg) and the company file (.qbw) -6190, -85 -6190, -82 -...